In this post I'm going to talk about the ideas of the texts that appear on our ideal school, the ideas of the videos that we saw in class and the ideas that my partners put in their projects. I'm going to start with the main ideas and then I will explain the other projects.
First the ideas of the texts in relation to our ideal school:
The texts we have read talk about inclusive schools and how to improve schools. Specifically, in our project we wanted to highlight the following ideas:
-Structure of the school with new colors, green areas, free espaces, sports facilities. I think that first a school must be attractive for children, so in this way they are more motivated in learning and in going to school. While the green areas are a great idea because children are in contact with the environment and learn to value the nature. In addition, sport is very important so we consider essential the creation of new sports areas.
-In terms of methodology, we have taken the idea of a new methodology with fewer students per class, use cooperative work, technologies and digital blackboard, the role of the teacher as a guide, give constant feedback, no homework, teachers motivate their students and promote the participation in class, encourage free expression and give 20 min break after two classes. Cooperative learning is very important because in this way children learn to work with others, to benefit from their ideas, learn from peers. With the use of new technologies children develop more critical thinking of what they see and they will see learning with a more dynamic attitude.
-We have also added the idea of more creative subjects. Although we would maintain main subjects (language, Inglés, mathematics), we will add new as art, music and theater. With this children develop new skills and abilities and with this new subjects and methodology also they learn how to solve problems (critical thinking and problem solving).
-As teachers, we believe that it is essential that they are motivated, everyone to be leaders, have good relationship between us and with the children, put the students with real situations and we give the same opportunities to all. In order for a school to function well everybody has to do their part and participate in it, in this way, with better relations between teachers there will be more cooperation.
-The involvement of parents and of the centre is important in inclusive schools. In our school all are involved, including parents. There are good relationships between parents-teachers who are also involved in the learning. We consider that parents and teachers also have to have good relationship because this way they will be aware of the work of their children and will also guide them in learning
-The values are also important and in these schools it is very important to treat everyone equally, as well as respect other cultures. We think in new values as not bullying, acceptance of other cultures, trust in others, respect for all partners and not sexism.
-Last but not least, a good school must promote a good diet and eating, so we take in account the healthy food and with our new cafeteria we reinforce the relationship between teachers in free time.
Secondly the ideas of the videos we've seen in class:
-Video Sir Ken Robinson and creativity.
In this video the man talks about that all children have large capacities, innovation capabilities. Now creativity is as important in education as literacy. Children risk, they are not afraid to make mistakes. If we are not open to being wrong never are going to happen something original. What happens is that when children become adults they are afraid to make mistakes.
He also says that currently the education makes us less creative. All education systems in the world has the same hierarchy of subjects (below all the Arts). Mathematics is very important but so is the dance. Our education system is based on the idea of academic ability. Many times you leave from studies because they think that with that you won't achieve anything. In the video he puts the example of not making music because you're not going to be a musician. Much people nowadays left a lot of degrees because they think that with this they wouldn't be successful, but we success when we do what we want.
The educational system has exploited our minds as we do with the Earth. Finally he says that we have to rethink the fundamental principles under which we are educating our children. We must use imagination wisely, we must see the rich who are our creative capabilities and help children to develop them.
-Video The best kindergarten you've ever seen.
In this video there is a kindergarten with circular form, no roof and children love to run in a circle. The director of this thought of putting networks attached to the ceiling to catch children who fall. This made it around the trees. At the time of an event, they sit on the shore. The roof was made to see the children. This garden is open most of the year and there are no limits.
Children need noise, kindergarten is fully open. There is a tree in the living room and each classroom has a skylight.
Children need a dose of danger to learn to help each other. Children here have many more athletic skills than children in other kindergartens. "Here we do not train him, let alone them climb to the roof" the point is that you don't have to control them, sometimes need to fall since with that they will learn. The architecture is able to change this world.
-Video Turning trash into toys for learning.
This man speaks whenever he goes to a school he sees the sparkle in the eyes of the children, you see them happy, they want to build, do things. He shows different objects that may be useful in learning, one that struck me was that with a paper built a sort of food chain in which the animals were turning and ate each other.
With this kind of thing better children learn, in a visual way, constructing and manipulating objects. Another example is that with a tetrabrick paper constructs an octahedron, it teaches children that can be recycled and build something in a fun way. In conclusion with this video the man shows as with different simple things you can create things for the kids and their learning.

Regarding to the team plan, the general objectives proposed were: speak all of them in English because in their group they have erasmus students, participate more, follow the team plan and do all the things with more time. They said that their objectives were achieved. About their personal commitments, Patricia learn how to use the video editor, Shabaneh improve their knowledge about inclusive schools, María Encinas speak more in English, Borja improve their English in the expositions and Elia learn new vocabulary.
First say that I liked very much their video and quite caught my attention since they explained everything through successive photos which gave a sensation of movement throughout the video. The ideas that they put on their ideal school are as follows: they spoke of participation of students, of an inclusive school with free expression, critical thinking, creativity, confidence in others, equality, solidarity and motivation. They have pets in class, thus the child value the importance of animals and develop new values. As for parents, they commented that they have good relationship with the teachers and they worry about children's learning, are part of the education.
The classes are small, with few students, leave 10 minutes of recess between classes, they work constructively, make less theory and more projects, there is more communication between teachers and they learn new things every day, talk to students of the problems and give them feedback. They also mentioned that teachers focus on the goals of their students and help them to achieve it.
After the video we discuss together as teachers can know their students better. We remember the games that we did in the previous projects as of the interview or in the case of my group the ball game. These games are great ways to get to know the students and that are known among them.
In their video they compare the educational system of three countries: Spain, Turkey and Germany. After that they come to the conclusion of put this ideas: professor encourages students to achieve their goals, use a constructivist methodology, work in groups, the teacher is a guide, less homework so leave time in class, school with more leisure time, parents are in contact with the teachers to see the progress of the child, they propose new activities, all have the same opportunities and diversity is promoted.
They then presented the external structure and established different colors, put spaces to develop various sports, a break to relax, an orchard and a dining room. As for the inside, in particular classes, have tables of cooperative work and new technologies. At the end of the work they put a phrase that I caught my attention and it seemed that a college work best when students learn with satisfaction.
After the video, each group carry out a question, some of them were:
After the video, each group carry out a question, some of them were:
-Why did you change the color of the structure? They said that to make it more eye-catching, children go more motivated and are comfortable with your school.
-How long does your playground? There are more than one big break (20 min) and time off between classes.
-What languages are studied in school? the native language and English.
-How can improve the relationship of parents and teachers? They said that by tutoring them or meetings.
Regarding to the team plan, the objectives proposed were: Miguel improve the organization and the use of the new technologies, Belen improve the use of technology and the organization and Sara speaking in public in English.
In the video they try to represent four countries and explain the education system in each country. The four countries are Finland, Indonesia, USA and the Netherlands.
After that they stay with the best ideas from each school and propose one methodololgy based on group work, different subjects including language, science, history. Children learn how to live in society, the school is in contact with nature and there are equal opportunities for all, there are different courses so that children know what kind of intelligence have, children are the ones who resolve by themselves the problems and there is a lot of trust. This group adds a new thing, the multiple intelligences and I think that is also very important develop different kind of intelligences because maybe a child has a good musical ability but they can't practice it in the school.
As teachers, they give equal opportunities to all students, children are responsible for the materials, children do not have qualifications, give other subjects such as art, music, ie, more practical.
The structure of the school has a football field and gym, a pool outside and then the building with three silvers.
Regarding to the team plan, the objectives proposed were:
Elvira: improve organization and speak slowly, Miguel: organice better, Amaya try to be more creative and Zule learn and discover defects in schools. Group objectives are to understand and read the texts, discovering the key points that a school must have, agree or respect the ideas of others.
It is a school of Alcalá de Henares with real data, They made a video in which they drew while they explain the ideas and the school. They put some ideas as: all are accepted, they offer extracurricular activities such as sports, art, music for develop skills, in the classes the tables are in a circle, there is a nursing, they eat health food from the garden that they planted, develop a critical thinking skills (discussion, reflection), use cooperative learning, use of technology, children can talk about their culture or bring food to school, they have a peace day, and it is a bilingual school with native people. Finally they have values such as stop bullying, healthy living, value more the plants and animals, road education and learn to respect the environment. This group added the idea of education on the road. Although at that age children do not lead, it is also important that they respect certain traffic signs.
María: make a clear idea about her ideal school, Gonzalo: be more expresive and clare when speak English, Gema: learn to use movie editors, Adalisa: reflect on negative factors in education. The objectives of the group: work better in group, respect the ideas of other peers, learn how to edit video.
Their video was related to Harry Potter and was divided into three parts: first they spoke of the schools problems, after there is a change on how it is their ideal school and finally they teach a sort of activity to motivate children.
Problems at school (At the same time explaining all this they mix scenes from the film): bullying, parents in education, heavy backpacks (be careful with materials that carry children), the small and dark classes and too much theory that is not put into practice.
Changes in the school:
-Ethics: inclusion, transmission of values, multiculturalism, respect, secular school, collaboration, good communication, cooperative learning, critical thinking, learning by projects, problem solving, trust between teachers, self confidence and flexibility.
-Structure/space (they explained it with photos): large windows in the class, spaces for play, music lessons, art spaces, great concert theater, a gym, swimming pool, jogging track, two areas to stay in touch with technology.
Problems at school (At the same time explaining all this they mix scenes from the film): bullying, parents in education, heavy backpacks (be careful with materials that carry children), the small and dark classes and too much theory that is not put into practice.
Changes in the school:
-Ethics: inclusion, transmission of values, multiculturalism, respect, secular school, collaboration, good communication, cooperative learning, critical thinking, learning by projects, problem solving, trust between teachers, self confidence and flexibility.
-Structure/space (they explained it with photos): large windows in the class, spaces for play, music lessons, art spaces, great concert theater, a gym, swimming pool, jogging track, two areas to stay in touch with technology.
In the video, they represent a teachers and Javier is the director of the school. Begins with an interview with the director and he show the structure (a swimming pool, basket, green areas, a fountain in the middle of the garden) and tells her that the teachers work together, the staff have the best skills and studies. Then the interviewer talks with a teacher (Silvia) that explains the method that they use: three classes and then recress, different roles in the class, there are delegates, children have responsibilities, they respect all levels since not all children learn in the same way, follow a constructivist method, teacher as a guide, work in groups and through projects , different reinforcements so that children know when they are doing something right, they have oriental conversations in which children can talk and express themselves. . In addition activities such as football, judo, dance. Also says that they dispose of a dining room and explains the timetables. Also have the help of assistants, English, psychologists... that they help to reinforce the work that they do with the children.
As for parents, they have a good relationship with them because they are part of the education of the children, there are projects in which parents are known and can speak of the problem solving (this group were the first that talked about this idea) that is a method using for find solutions for different problems.
In the tables they have followed the plan that was proposed at the beginning.
The objectives of each were: María was to learn how to interact with children, David want to learn how to organize a school, Ayperi want to improve her creativity, Bea learn how to use some apps and Irene improve the organization.
In the video, they have been based on his experience as students and in the documents read. The video begins representing traditional education in which children are unmotivated, are not attentive in class and the teacher simply explain on the board. But come a '' hero '' and suddenly wants to change everything. It proposes new changes for the students, among them are the ideas of their ideal school: learning in a fun way, open and bright places, take contact with nature, teacher like a friend (but with some respect), all are equal, theory with practice, review the things (evaluation), children like small adults, use new technology but isn't the most important. They have values like learning to live in society, importance of respect and care for the environment. Then they put the structure of their school with photos and at the same time they put the key ideas with subtitles.
What I liked much of this work is that after the video some partners made questions and among them there was a question that I like a lot, it was: Do you use much the technologies? They replied that technologies are important but they give priority to other things like learning values, that children learn satisfied, have fun and know how to solve problems by themselves.
After watching the videos, read the documents and do the work, I have concluded that if these schools functioned children actually learn. It is true that make this type of colleges involves a lot of money as well as large spaces and state support. But although not change everything at once it can be making changes gradually, starting school, changing the method, relationships between teachers and parental involvement and whole school in general. I think as children really learn is practicing, making mistakes and experiencing with new things (as in the video of Turning Trash). I will put new, more dynamic subjects would be a good idea but I still keep maintaining subjects such as language, mathematics, English that although are more theoretical I consider them fundamental and can be teaching differently.
After watching the videos, read the documents and do the work, I have concluded that if these schools functioned children actually learn. It is true that make this type of colleges involves a lot of money as well as large spaces and state support. But although not change everything at once it can be making changes gradually, starting school, changing the method, relationships between teachers and parental involvement and whole school in general. I think as children really learn is practicing, making mistakes and experiencing with new things (as in the video of Turning Trash). I will put new, more dynamic subjects would be a good idea but I still keep maintaining subjects such as language, mathematics, English that although are more theoretical I consider them fundamental and can be teaching differently.
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